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Aleksandar & Boris

1 minute read

Clean architecture principles – Meetup

by ProductDock


October 20, 2021

6:00 P.M. CET

The history of software development knows the different architectures of code organization that have emerged as dominant. Depending on the context in which they are used, we can identify the advantages and disadvantages of each. Choosing the right software architecture for the right use case is extremely important if we want a quality product that’s easy to maintain and suitable for changes or upgrades.

What is clean architecture? How to implement it by the book and how in a simplified form?

You will be able to hear the answers to these and many other questions in this field at a lecture by Boris Janjanin and Aleksandar Malešević, software engineers with years-long experience working on global IT projects. In addition to clean architecture principles, lecturers will look at the single-responsibility approach to class design and its role in writing good and sustainable code.

Special attention will be paid to recommendations and best practices when it comes to clean architecture, and you will have the opportunity to ask questions during the lecture and also during networking after the official part of the lecture.

Note: Registration for the event is mandatory. Apply until Tuesday, October 19. The number of places is limited to 50, following current epidemiological measures in Banja Luka. See you on October 20 at the Courtyard by Marriot at 6 PM.