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ProductDock: Nemanja Vasić

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OAuth 2.0

Nemanja Vasić

Software Developer

Our software engineer, Nemanja Vasić, delivered an engaging Friday Talks session on OAuth 2.0, sharing his hands-on exploration of its implementation.

He started by explaining the theoretical aspects and practical implementations of the OAuth 2.0 protocol, followed by a hands-on demonstration of its implementation.

In the first talk on OAuth 2.0, Nemanja covered both the theoretical part and practical implementations of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. The first presentation delved into the core principles of OAuth 2.0, emphasizing its role in secure delegation of access to resources. Nemanja explained key flows such as the Authorization Code flow for confidential clients, the Authorization Code flow with PKCE for public clients, and the Client Credentials flow. He also discussed the deprecated Implicit flow, explaining why it is no longer recommended and introducing modern alternatives to address its limitations.

The second presentation focused on a hands-on exploration of OAuth 2.0 implementation. Nemanja started by demonstrating how to create client and authorization server repositories using Spring Boot, providing straightforward examples. He then addressed real-world challenges, such as authenticating resource owners on an authorization server when the authentication process depends on a third-party service, and validating client credentials through external service calls. These practical examples highlighted strategies for handling custom requirements

Nemanja gave a brief presentation on the OAuth 2.0 protocol, starting with its theoretical foundation and then moving on to its practical implementation.

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Nemanja Vasić

Nemanja Vasić

Software Developer

Nemanja is a seasoned Software Developer with over five years of professional experience in the information technology industry. His current tech stack comprises ReactJs, NextJs, Javascript, NodeJs, Java, Spring Boot, and MongoDB, among others.
He holds a degree from the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, and has a proven track record of delivering high-quality software solutions.

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